Madan B.KARKEE(GEOTOP)・ Koushiro NAGAI(Setsunan University)・Hitoshi OGURA(GEOTOP)・Hideaki KISHIDA(Science University of Tokyo)
■掲載誌:Geotechnical Engineering in Recovery from Urban Eartquake Disaster,p209-p218
The details about behavior of building foundations during the Hyogoken-Nambu earth-quake are still emerging as the impalred structures are dernolished, inspected, repalred and upgraded at different stages. Some important trends can be noted from the observations to date. Slight or no structural damage amongst. buildings wlth foundation damage Indicate the developm.ent of energy absorptlon mechanism through failure of piles, thus reducing the action on the superstruc,ture due. to ground shaking. Many buildings wlth foundation damage, particularly those located at sites without large scale. ground failure, were repalred by jacking-up operations. Judging from overground, a tilting building structure is a most likely indicatlon of foundation damage. Foundation damage caused by severe ground shaking, and those caused by grbund failure due to different reasons, were characterlstically dlfferent in nature as may be generally expected during extreme seismic events.
The details about behavior of building foundations during the Hyogoken-Nambu earth-quake are still emerging as the impalred structures are dernolished, inspected, repalred and upgraded at different stages. Some important trends can be noted from the observations to date. Slight or no structural damage amongst. buildings wlth foundation damage Indicate the developm.ent of energy absorptlon mechanism through failure of piles, thus reducing the action on the superstruc,ture due. to ground shaking. Many buildings wlth foundation damage, particularly those located at sites without large scale. ground failure, were repalred by jacking-up operations. Judging from overground, a tilting building structure is a most likely indicatlon of foundation damage. Foundation damage caused by severe ground shaking, and those caused by grbund failure due to different reasons, were characterlstically dlfferent in nature as may be generally expected during extreme seismic events.